About Us

About Kilsby Village Hall

The land that the Hall stands on was given to the Village by the Cowley Family to enable the village to build a Village Hall for the use of the residents in April 1945. The Hall and grounds are held in Trust by the Charity Commission and the Charity Commission is the Custodian Trustee. The official name of the hall is The Edith Catherine Cowley Memorial Hall know as Kilsby Village Hall.

The residents of Kilsby raised the funds to erect the Hall and this was opened in July 1953. In 1986 the extension named the Kilsby room was built and in 1995 a new entrance hall and storage rooms were added to the front of the hall. A complete refurbishment of the whole complex was carried out in the year 2000.

The hall is managed by a Management Committee and representatives of local organisations can become Trustees of the hall. The Management Committee are residents of the village and give their time on a voluntary basis. The hall is supported by income from the hiring of the hall and any fund raising events the Management Committee arrange.

Management Committee

Chairperson – Mike McGuire – chairman@kilsbyvillagehall.co.uk
Treasurer – Tom Hindle – treasurer@kilsbyvillagehall.co.uk
Secretary – Julie Bunyan – secretary@kilsbyvillagehall.co.uk
Booking Secretary – Dave McIntyre – bookings@kilsbyvillagehall.co.uk

Charity No. 304210

Member of Northamptonshire ACRE